Financial Agreement

Financial Agreement

West Branch Community Early Learning Center 400 W. Orange Street
West Branch, IA 52358
(319) 643-7447


Payment Policy:

  • Payments are due in full by the 1st of each month. You may choose to pay weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Payments will be made by automatic withdrawal or debit/credit card and an additional % service fee added (typically up to 5% depending on card type).
  • A $25.00 fee will be charged for payments that are late.
  • If your payment goes uncollected for (5) days after the 1st of the month, you will be asked to withdraw your child from the program until tuition is made current. When your tuition is current, you may enroll your child back into the program as openings are available.
  • The hours of operation are Monday – Friday 7:00am – 6:00pm. The WBCELC will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays each week. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for holidays that the WBCELC will be closed.
  • I understand that I am entitled to (5) vacation days per year. For those (5) days I will pay half my regular fee. • I understand that I pay my regular fee for any day that my child is absent from the WBCELC unless I have turned in vacation time (2) weeks in advance.
I Agree To Make Payments:
Payment Options:
In case of early release for weather, is your child expected to attend the Kids Club Program? (Please ensure the school has been informed of this 319-643-7211)